Domestic Import of Fruits and Vegetables to Guam

This factsheet briefly summarizes the steps in obtaining an import permit for importation of fruits and vegetables from the US mainland, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and Hawai‘i. It is very important to note that the importation of fruits and vegetables requires different treatments depending on the commodity. All treatments should be undertaken in the place of origin before importing and all fruits and vegetables must be free from pests, soil, and plant litter or debris…

Domestic Import of Propagative Materials (Plants for Planting) to Guam

This factsheet briefly summarizes the steps in obtaining an import permit for importation of Propagative Materials from the US mainland, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and Hawai‘i.

Foreign Import of Fruits and Vegetables to Guam

This factsheet briefly summarizes the steps in obtaining an import permit for importation of fruits and vegetables from foreign countries. Importing fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs must be intended for consumption and NOT for planting or growing. Only the approved plant part(s) of the fresh fruit, vegetable, and herb is allowed entry to Guam.

Foreign Import of Propagative Materials (Plants for Planting) to Guam

Many plants from foreign countries may enter Guam provided they meet the entry requirements, which may vary by plant and country of origin. Nearly all plants for planting MUST meet USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and Guam Department of Agriculture rules and general restrictions to be considered for import into Guam.

Welcome to the Department of Agriculture, Biosecurity Division


The Biosecurity Division serves as the Department’s center for Biosecurity and Agricultural Quarantine at the Plant Inspection Facility.  As such, its primary focus is to assist stakeholders interested in imports and exports of food and agricultural items, to assist in food security and safety concerns, and to coordinate the Government of Guam’s responses to new invasive species threats.  These coordination and scientific regulatory services are accomplished through many local, national and international linkages.  Cooperation is especially close with the United States Department of Agriculture, the Customs and Quarantine Agency and the University of Guam.

Biosecurity Division staff prepares and issues Import Permits for fruits and vegetables, live plants, seeds and related articles and fresh egg Import Permits.  There are also export certification inspections conducted and appropriate certificates issued: Phytosanitary Certificates and Certificates of Origin.  The Division fees collected from permit and certificate support operations. The Plant Inspection Facility inspects live plants with pest identification determinations performed and shipment dispositions ordered, to protect Guam from invasive pests and diseases.

Staff also conduct smuggling interdiction and trade compliance enforcement efforts by inspecting retail and wholesale establishments under federal agricultural regulations. Staff are also involved in limiting the destructive effects of the coconut rhinoceros beetle, little fire ants and other invasive species through targeted activities and training programs.

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